Meeting Notice for July 30th from Chapter President

on July 24, 2024

 Please plan on attending our upcoming SAR chapter dinner meeting on Tuesday July 30th at Spring Creek Barbeque. The address is 4895 Hwy 6, in Missouri City.

We will start to gather at 6:30 and the meeting will begin at 7:00 p. m. The featured speaker will be Compatriot John Thompson, who is a dual member of our chapter. His topic will be Benjamin Franklin.

Carl V Hill

Minutes from Business Meeting on June 25, 2024

on July 22, 2024

 SAR Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 BUSINESS MEETING – June 25th, 2024, 1:00 p.m.

Attended: Carl Hill, Mike Green, Don Burns, Don Rollins and Jim Penny

Officers Absent: Steve Barber (on vacation), Lovell Adrich, Phil Whitney, Robert Graves

Treasury Report: The two JROTC scholarship checks finally cleared, leaving the Treasury balance at $9.733.00.

Registrar Report: Working on three applications but having issues with one application needing information on Elijah Isaacks, 1775 S.C. The new State Registrar is on vacation and not available to help.

News Letter and Blog and Facebook page: Jim Penny will be taking over the monthly newsletter from Mike Green. Mike Green will assist and be the backup for the Chapter Blog site. Jim will work on documenting how to operate the Blog site.  Jim is still developing photo albums on the Chapter Facebook page. It was emphasized that more photos were needed.

Other News:

A) The new SAR State VP for our Zone 7 is Art Byram from the SAR Freedom Chapter. He has taken over for Richard Zdunkewicz, who has accepted a new State position. Compatriot Byram was elected as our District VP at the Annual Meeting of the Texas SAR.   Art, the immediate Past-President of the Freedom Chapter (Woodlands Area) is an enthusiastic leader who will do a terrific job supporting the District and the Alexander Hodge Chapter #49. 

One of Compatriot Byram’s focuses will be establishing or reinforcing a strong Color Guard for each Chapter in the District. The Freedom Chapter enjoys a very strong Color Guard, thanks to his leadership.

                       Compatriot Byram leading a “Honor Flight”                                                                                                                                        parade at Hobby Airport-2024

B) The 2025 Fall SAR State BOM meeting is going to be jointly hosted by the Alexander Hodge #49 Chapter with the Paul Carrington SAR Chapter here in Houston, TX.

C) Carl mentioned that more events need to be planned and coordinated with the DAR Alexander Hodges Chapter. Coordination of events should be completed with Sandra Barber, the DAR liaison. Mobile Number (832) 451-9117). A liaison for the Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 needs to be to coordinate with the DAR Chapter.

D) Carl mentioned there is a new Challenge Coin issues. It features the Continental Congress.

E) There is an old Flag Presentation is on You Tube, presented by Tom Green. It is a rather lengthy program for schools on different flags from the American Revolution. Several other Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 members assisted on this flag presentation. 

It was bought up that the Chapter needs to complete a Flag Certification on some of the new flags and a Flag Retirement event for some of the older worn flags. Don Burns suggested a Flag Certification Certificate to Sugar Land Fire Department.

F) It was announced that the July, 2024 Speaker for the Alexander Hodge #49 Chapter is going to be our new Chapter member John Thompson. John will be speaking on Benjamin Franklin.

End of Business Report

New State VP for District 7 - Art Byram

on July 21, 2024


Art was elected as the new VP at the annual Texas SAR Convention this past March in San Antonio.  Art replaces Richard Zdunkewicz who has become the State Secretary.  

Art is the immediate past president of the Freedom Chapter #38 in the Woodlands.  He is an enthusiastic leader and will do a great job representing our District and our Chapter.

One focus that Art will have is to establish or reinforce a strong Color Guard for each Chapter in the District.  While in the Freedom Chapter a very strong Color Guard tradition was created due to his leadership and vision.  

Art's reinforcing of the strong Color Guard tradition at Freedom Chapter helped result in member David Hamaker being named the State Color Guardsman for 2024.  In addition, he was awarded the Bernardo de Galvez Gold Medal for prolonged Guard service.

Texas S.A.R. State Events 2023-2024

Texas S.A.R. State Conference                                                            Texas S.A.R. State Fall BOM meeting 

Texas D.A.R. State Conference                                                           Texas C.A.R. State Conference 

Flag Day June 14                                                                               Audie Murphy Medal of Honor Parade, Farmersville TX 

George Washington Parade and Bridge Ceremony, Laredo TX 

Battle of Medina, August 2023                                                         Dickens on the Strand Parade  

Funeral of past Texas S.A.R. Presidents 

Important Events not designated State Events 

U.S. Naturalization Ceremonies- These ceremonies are chapter events but members are encouraged to support these events. 

Texas State Fair- This is a great opportunity to share our society and encourage new members. This is a chapter event.

Minutes of Regular Meeting on May 28 2024

on July 19, 2024

 Chapter President                                                                                                                Treasurer

Carl Hill                                                                                                                                    Carl Hill

Vice President                                                                                                                        Registrar              

Don Burns                                                                                                                               Mike Green/ Carl Hill

Secretary `                                                                                                                              Newsletter

Steven Barber                                                                                                               Mike Green

Sgt. At Arms                                                                                                                            Web Master

Don Rollins                                                                                                                                Jim Penny

                                        Alexander Hodge Chapter No. 49


May 28th, 2024


The members of the Alexander Hodge #49, Sons of the American Revolution, gathered at Spring Creek Barbeque located at 4895 Highway 6, Missouri City, TX. In the private meeting room, Carl Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with an Invocation given by Phil Whitley followed by pledges to the United States flag, to the Texas flag and to the SAR flag.

9-Attending Chapter Members: Carl Hill (President & Treasure), Steven Barber (Secretary), Don Rollins (Sgt. of Arms), Phil Whitley (Chaplain), Jim G. Penny (Web Master), Mike Green (Newsletter), Matt Barber, Don Burns, and Scott Burton.

Honorary Guest: Kent McGaughy Tonight’s Guest Speaker

2 Other Guests:  Mrs. Bernice Mistriot, and Mrs. Sherry Burns  

Treasury Report: Carl Hill presented the Treasures Report. The Chapter’s Treasury has a balance of $10,273.04. All outstanding scholarship checks have cleared. Recommendation was made that next year; the scholarship checks should include a notation that the checks must be cashed within 6 months after the award.

Registrar’s Report: The Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 has three new membership applications in the process for new members. We also had four additional people expressing interest in the Alexander Hodge Chapter #49.



Web Site and Newsletter Report:

Web page for more information. ( Jim Penny continues his research into Virgina Continental Uniforms worn during the Revolutionary War. This Chapter has thirty-one members that trace their heritage back to Virginia.

Recognition was given to Jim Penny’s great article on Continental Army uniforms worn that was published in the National SAR magazine.

Jim is continuing to complete research on activity of the military units that this Chapters members Patriots participated in during the American Revolutionary War. Jim encourages any member that has such stories to share those stories so he can publish those stores on the Chapter Web site.

Jim Penny is also working on the Memorial Section of the Web site, which is missing many past Chapter members. He is including old photographs he has found of past Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 activates found on the National and State Website and old Facebook pages.

Mike Green has agreed to continue as Newsletter Editor.

Current Activities:

On Wednesday April 17th. at 10:00 a.m., the Chapter hosted and completed a well-attended tour of Independence Hall located on the campus of Houston Christian College. Dr. Christopher Hammons, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Morris Family Center for Law and Order, conducted a 90-minute tour of the facility and discussed and explained the ongoing educational programs being conducted at this location. Dr. Hammons explained that the facilities presentation to visiting school children does not emphasize the people that formed and who wrote the new country’s Constitution and Bill of Rights but emphasizes the basic principles of these particularly important documents to the creation of the United States of America. The Morris Family for Law and Liberty facility is an exact replica of the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA. After the tour, participants attended a luncheon at the Pappa’s Barbeque Restaurant just north of the campus. Dr, Hammon is a member of the SAR Alexander Hodge Chapter #49.

On Saturday April 20th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., there was another “Honor Flight” for twenty-one veterans, returning from a Washington DC visit to the D.C. War Memorials. In the Hobby Airport, Delta Terminal, these Veterans were welcomed back by approximately two hundred people representing various patriotic organizations, an SAR Color Guard and with a live orchestra playing patriotic music in the terminal. These “Honor Flights” are organized to occur about every other month and all Patriotic organizations are welcome to come and wave flags in support of the return of these American War Veterans.

Chapter Meeting Speaker: Mr. Kent McGaughy

Mr. McGaughy presentation reviewed George Washington’s involvement in the expansion of the United States, west of the Appalachian Mountains before and after the American Revolution.

Washington, as a younger man, explored and surveyed the Ohio River Valley area. Working then for the British Virigina Trading Company, he discovered in his surveying a very fertile land, rich in timber, minerals, and wild animals and ideal for growing and producing hemp, indigo, cotton and crops. Excellent water resources were readily available with open lands available for expansion and development.

At this early age, 22 years of age, Washington was six foot-4 inches tall, was physically in very good physical condition to complete this task.  The report of excellent expansion opportunities led two hundred Virginia families immigrating to the Ohio Vallery. Like today, this immigration was not approved by the British government, and this infringed on Native American Indian hunting and sacred grounds. No permits had been issues by wither the British Virginia or Ohio Trading Companies.

Although these trading companies benefited from this expansion, the continued immigration led to Indian uprising. Washington’s surveying for the trading companies continued to develop six canals to facilitate trade and transportation from the Ohio Valley back to Eastern Colonies. The French were also surveying this area from Canada and had the same interest that the British had in settling this new area west of the Appalachian Mountains.

This led to the French and Indian War that started in 1754 and ending in 1763.George Washington fought in this a 7-year war on the British side against the French and Indians. You can say this was George Washington military training that led to him being an exceptionally talented military leader in the American Revolutionary War.

This all led to interstate commerce to start between the West and Eastern areas of the British Colonies, soon to be the United States of America. With commerce flowing from New York to Philadelphia and now down to Alexanderia, Virginia, Washington chose to build his home in Virginia. Alexanderia, Virginia was the center of this new commerce and trade route to the west.

Roads and passes through the mountains were built. No canals were built in this western expansion, until the later northern route to the West was developed through New York and the Erie Canal system.

In conclusion, this western expansion provided George Washington experience and wealth as a land surveyor, trained him in warfare and military practices of the day, and provided opportunities in developing commerce in new developing areas of the country.

Closing Remarks:

President Hill reported the next Alexander Hodge No.49-chapter meeting will be held July 30th, 2024, at the Spring Creek Barbeque restaurant on Highway 6 in Missouri City, TX. The next Chapter Business Meeting will be at the same restaurant on June 25th, 2024 at 1:00 P.M. All Chapter members are welcome to attend the business meeting. All Chapter Officers are required to attend the Business Meetings.

Recessional:  The SAR recessional was recited by all present.

Benediction: Closing benediction was given by Phil Whitley, Chaplain.


Prepared by Steven J. Barber, Secretary


SAR Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 BUSINESS MEETING – June 25th, 2024, 1:00 p.m.

In Memorium - Thomas Bruce Green III

on July 18, 2024


Thomas Bruce Green, Ill was born July 17, 1939 in his grandfather's hospital in Athens, TX.   Tom passed away on July 16, 2024 at the age of 84.

He completed high school in Mabank, TX in 1957 and graduated from North Texas State University. 

He married Margo Irene Oberkampf on June 19, 1961. 

He reported to the U.S. Navy Officer's Candidate School in Newport Rhode Island in July 1961.  After completing OCS, Tom attended the U.S. Navy Deep Sea Diving School in Washington, DC.  Tom served on the U.S.S. Cree, a sea going salvage vessel, which served in the Vietnam theater in 1962 as well as patrolling the entrance to the Panama Canal during the Cuban missile crisis in 1963.  Tom later served as Diving Repair Officer, First Lieutenant, Gunnery Officer and Navigator on the U.S.S. Piedmont where he faced many dangerous assignments and knew no fear. Tom received hazardous duty pay his entire Naval career.  Tom completed his six years of active-duty service in Key West, Florida as Training Officer of the U.S. Naval School for Underwater Swimmers where most of the U.S. military divers were trained for duty in Vietnam, including UDT, EOD and some of the first S.E.A.L. team members.  It was here in Key West where his beloved daughter, Holly, was born.


Beginning in 1966 through 1980, Tom worked in the retail business as Operating Manager with two different department stores after which he was co-owner with his father in the family grocery business which was established by his grandfather in the 1890's. Beginning in 1981 Tom established himself in the insurance business, later co-owning an insurance company. After selling his interest in the insurance company,

he worked for the Texas State Department of Insurance as an on-site manager for the Receiver and later the Conservator until his retirement in 1999.


Tom was active in both the Sons of the Republic of Texas (SRT) and the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) He was founding president of the Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels Chapter #50 SRT Chapter and also served as Hill Country District Representative. He was inducted as a Knight of the Order of San Jacinto in 2006. Tom was named Texan of the Year by the San Jacinto Descendants Society in 2005.  In 2016, he was awarded the San Jacinto Star award by the San Jacinto SRT Chapter.  Tom received the Sons of the Republic of Texas highest award, The Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022.  

 Tom was approved for membership in the National SAR on July 26, 1996. He has been a member of the William Hightower, Paul Carrington, and Alexander Hodge Chapters.  He has served in several positions in the Texas Society SAR before serving as the Texas state president of the Sons of the American Revolution in 2007. He was awarded the National Merit Award by the Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge in 2007.  In 2012, Tom was awarded the George Washington Distinguished Service Award by the Paul Carrington SAR Chapter and named the National Color Guardsman of the Year by the National Society Sons of the American Revolution.   He has been awarded the Patriot Medal and is the recipient of the 69th George Washington Distinguished Service Award Past State President Texas Society Sons of the American Revolution.  In 2000, Tom initiated the annual Battle of Medina ceremony.

Tom was appointed a Colonel in the Texas Army in 2006 and was also appointed an Admiral in the Texas Navy by Governor Perry in 2006. 


Tom was also a member of the General Society of the War of 1812, The American Legion and the North American Vexillological Association (the study of flags). He collected or made over 75 historic flags of both the American Revolutionary and the Texas Revolutionary periods and has given more than 750 Historic Flag Programs. His greatest joy was presenting flag programs to over 30,000 school children from Texas to Indiana. His flag collection will be donated to the Brazoria Historical Museum in Angleton TX and The Texas SAR.

In addition to Tom's career and hobbies, he was a devoted spouse, father and grandfather. He was most proud of "his Girls" as he fondly called the three of us. He attended many soccer and tennis events for his beloved granddaughter and enjoyed picking her up early from day care and school to spend time with her. One of his proudest days was when he held Alicia for the first time, and she became a U.S. citizen!


Tom was an avid story and joke teller and his many family and friends would request him to tell their favorite stories and jokes, which he always made more interesting with a Texas flair for exaggeration. He would always be the last one at an event or dinner talking and entertaining his family and friends. He was a Texan through and through! He made friends everywhere he went. People loved him and he will be dearly missed by his family and friends


The family deeply appreciates all the support and love from friends and family during this difficult time. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you share your memories of Tom on this memorial website, and please consider a donation to Pearland First United Methodist Church 2314 N. Grand Blvd, Pearland TX 77581, The American Cancer Society or American Heart Association.


Son-Brother-Husband-Father, Father-in-Law, Grandfather, Uncle, Friend-Christian,

Memberships: Pearland First United Methodist Church,

Lieutenant US Navy, Sons of the Republic of Texas, Sons of the American Revolution, and Society of 1812,

Colonel Texas Army, Admiral Texas Navy, Knight of San Jacinto


Survived by Wife, Margo, Daughter Holly Childs, Son-in-Law Brian Childs and Granddaughter Alicia Vanesa Childs

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Saturday, July 27, 2024
First United Methodist Church of Pearland
2314 N. Grand Blvd, 
Pearland, Texas, United States 

1:00 pm
Saturday, July 27, 2024
First United Methodist Church of Pearland
2314 N. Grand Blvd.
Pearland, Texas, United States

Status of Hodges Bend Cemetery after Storm

on July 17, 2024

Carl had a call from Steve Hypes this morning. (Hodges Bend Cemetery caretaker). He said there is a lot of damage at the cemetery, and he can use some help with the cleanup. Of course, the mosquitos are horrible, like most places right now, so if anyone goes, they need to be prepared for that.

There is no scheduled clean up time/day, but if anyone is planning to go out there, they may let Steve know if they wish.  He is busy caring for his wife who is very ill at this time, so may or may not be able to meet them there. His phone number is: 713 825-2488.

JROTC scholarships - Alexander Hodge Chapter #49, Bronze JROTC Medal & Certificate Awards 2024

on June 28, 2024

In recognition of outstanding leadership qualities, military bearing, and excellence, thus exemplifying the high ideals and principles which motivated and sustained our patriot ancestors.

The following List of JROTC members are from the 18 schools in which we are active in recognizing the top candidates in their JROTC Programs who were nominated by their respective Leadership.

During a business meeting, members of the Alexander Hodge Chapter 49 reviewed resumes submitted by a list of 18 individuals and selected the top four candidates to receive the Annual Scholarship Awards for 2024.

Ridge Point HS, FBISD JROTC= Christopher Schaupp 

Hightower HS, = FBISD JROTC Reeya Mequiabas  (note: picture Attached)

Lamar Consolidated HS JROTC Group = LCISD = Adam M. Jirbi  (Fulshear HS)

Terry HS JROTC Group = LCISD = Aritzel Pastrana   Note: not sure which one of the 3 schools in the group Aritizel attended (Terry HS, Randal HS, or Foster HS


1. Austin H S FBISD Navy Alvin Pham

2. Bush H S FBISD Navy Abdulbasit Thompson

3. Clements H S FBISD Navy Grayson Machmer

4. Dulles H S FBISD Air Force Melonie Reyes

5. Elkins H S FBISD Air Force Isis Lindley

6. Hightower H S FBISD Army Reeya Mequiabas.

7. Kempner H S FBISD Air Force Dylan Matividad

8. Lamar Consolidated H S LCISD Air Force Adam Naqvi

9. Marshall H S FBISD Air Force Oluwafeyiyemi Ogundare

10. Ridge Point H S FBISD Marine Corps Carter Bultena

11. Stafford H S SISD Army Christian Gonzalez

12. Terry H S LCISD Air Force Aritzel Pastrana

13. Travis H S FBISD Marine Corps Tristan Freeman

14. Willowridge H S FBISD Marine Corps Myron Avery

15. Fulshear H S LCISD Air Force Diego Calvo

16. George Ranch H S LCISD Air Force Eva Green

17. Randle H S LCISD Air Force Breena Kirkpatrick

18. Foster HS LCISD Air Force Ayden Alamia

In Memorium - June 02, 2024, John R. Hensley Jr.

on June 25, 2024

Chapter President, Carl Hill received a call for David Hensley informing the Alexander Hodge Chapter that his father and our member, John Randy Hensley passed away of June 2, 2024 in Addison, Texas. John Hensley was born on 10/06/1939 and was 84 years old. Previous to John's current city of Addison, TX, John Hensley lived in Dallas TX. John goes by various nicknames including John Randall Hensley, John R Hensley, John R Hensley and J R Hensley. John's National SAR # was 195687 and State number was #12131. John Hensley's patriot was approved on 2015-07-27. If anyone has some detail on his life, please let us know.

Business Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday the 25th at 1pm

on June 24, 2024

 Our Bi-monthly Business Meeting will be tomorrow at 1pm at the usual Spring Creek BBQ in Missouri City off Hwy 6.

A Good Read, A Devil of a Whipping, The Battle of Cowpens

on June 23, 2024

 My continued efforts to give a good account of member's patriots for the Newsletter Supplement on Virginia has led me to purchase a paperback copy of Lawrence E. Babits' book on Cowpens.  The book, "A Devil of a Whipping, The Battle of Cowpens" is very interesting from the very start of the Preface.

Well, worth adding to a library on the Revolutionary War.