Pictures from last Tuesday's Meeting will be added to the 2025 Album on Facebook

on January 31, 2025


We had a good crowd there last Tuesday to hear the presentation by Denise Bennett.  She portrayed the wife of Lafayette.

Good to see member, James M. Taylor and his mother Jane Taylor.  They drove for a 1 1/2hr from La Ward, TX to join us for the meeting.

Randall Glen our newest member was in attendance.  His application was approved on 1/24/25.

Thomas Cool was in attendance.  He and his son, Jack Phillip Cool's applications are about ready to go to National.

Dennis Bishop was in attendance also.  His application is currently being worked on by Carl Hill and Micheal Green. 

Members and Guests present were:

Carl V. Hill - President, Interim Registrar, Treasurer
Don Burns and Sherry Burns - Vice President
Phil Whitney - Chaplain
Mike Green - Interim Registrar, Facebook Administrator
Lovell Aldrich - Past President
Don Rollins and Sharon Rollins - Sgt At Arms
Steven Barber - Secretary
James "Jim" Penny - Webmaster, Facebook Administrator, and Newsletter Editor
Bernice Mistrot
Matt Barber
John Placette
Denise Giuffre
Richard Giuffre
Alan Bogard and Claire Bogard
Randall Glenn
Dennis Bishop
Thomas Cool
James M. Taylor
Jane E. Taylor
Denise Bennett - Speaker

New members waiting on National to process Applications

 Our Interim Registrars, Carl V. Hill and Michael Green, have been and still are very busy working on Applications of prospective members.

The following are at National, so are in the final step to becoming a Chapter member:

Robert Rhodes - patriot is mark russell of the NC Militia

Joshua Evans - patriot is andrew evans of the NC & VA militia 

Sean Hicks - patriot is captain conrad snyder of PA.

Randal Glen - patriot is david norman of the SC Militia. Became a member on 1/24/25

The following are still working on Application or are about ready to send to National:

Dr Thomas Cool and son Jack Phillip Cool will be sent soon.

Dennis Bishop has sent in some application information.  We have not started on his application.  

Reminder, for those on Facebook, Alexander Hodge has a Facebook page. Below is how to get to it and how to join

on January 20, 2025

 Alexander Hodge Facebook page can be found at: 

Alexander Hodge #49 Texas Sons of the American revolution.

If not a member, send a Request to join or email me and then I will send an Invite to your email.

The Facebook page is primarily used to document Chapter history and pictures.  There are multiple Albums with the yearly pictures and events.

Alexander Hodge Chapter awards the Martha Washington Medal

 Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 President, Carl V Hill, and past president, Lovell Aldrich, met at the Sealand Restaurant in LaGrange on Saturday, January 18, 2025 to award Jo Ann Vasina the SAR Martha Washington Medal.

"I am pleased to present the Matha Washington Medal and Certificate to Jo Ann Vasina for supporting Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 with three new chapter members: Daniel Joe Shaver, Michael Thomas Shaver, and James Julius Shaver."--Carl V Hill

Jo Ann Vasina is a member of the Smith-McMillan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) of LaGrange, Texas.

The SAR Martha Washington Medal was authorized by The Sons of The American Revolution in 1971 to recognize outstanding service by women to the SAR.  Any woman over 18 years old who made significant contributions to the SAR through volunteer work, community service, and dedication to promoting the Mission of the SAR.

The gold medal features a portrait of Martha Washington with the inscription "SAR Martha Washington Award".  The Medal is named after Martha Washington for supporting the soldiers through providing supplies, tending the wounded, and maintaining morale through her letters and actions during the American Revolutionary War.

  from L-R, Lovell Aldrich, Jo Ann Vasina, and Carl V Hill 

Members of the Smith-McMillan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).                      
Along with Alexander Hodge SAR Chapter #49 members, Carl V. Hill and Lovell Aldrich.                              

Meeting Reminder - Tuesday, January 28th is the next meeting. Will have a Speaker.

on January 16, 2025

 Please plan on attending our upcoming SAR Chapter Dinner Meeting on Tuesday January 28th at Spring Creek Barbeque. The address is 4892 Hwy 6 in Missouri City.

We will gather at 6:30 for the barbeque buffet and the chapter dinner meeting will follow at 7:00 p. m.

The featured speaker will be Denise Bennett, "She brings history to Life", with an historical first-person interpretation of Adrienne the Marquise de Lafayette.  I believe that you will enjoy the evening.

Please let Lovell Aldrich know that you will be attending. Text or call him at 281 451 4547.

I look forward to seeing each of you at the meeting as we start the new year.

Carl V. Hill Jr.

Take it upon yourself to be a Mentor to a new member - TXSSAR Program

on January 10, 2025


Speaker for the January Meeting coming on the 28th - Denise Bennett to portray Adrienne de Lafayette

on January 6, 2025


 Denise enjoys doing historical first-person interpretations.  Much research goes into every component of the historical person she portrays.  Currently, Denise does eight persona's, one for the four centuries of American history.  She had the honor and privilege of performing Adrienne de Lafayette Act 1 at the NSDAR Continental Congress and both Acts 1 & 2 at the Michigan State DAR Conference.

Denise Bennet is a 1st and 2nd generation American, who despite her very recent immigrants, can

trace her lineage in America back to the American Revolution and to the 3rd ship that arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1623.  

She has joined 10 Lineage Societies with one of the most international applications.  In her first 3 generations she had proof documents which required translations from German, Spanish, and old Persian.

Denise currently serves as the President of her Daughter's of the War of 1812 chapter, President of her New England Women Colony and 2nd Vice Regent for the Lady Washington Chapter, NSDAR.  She is Co-Chair of the Louisiana Bicentennial Committee of the American Friends of Lafayette, commemoration General Lafayette's Farewell tour inn 1824-1825.  She is working on every aspect of the five-day New Orleans and Baton Rouge celebration in April 2025.

Alexander Hodge Chapter to purchase of 2 Bricks in support of the Bernardo de Gálvez Plaza Project

on January 1, 2025

 Note:  This was in my Draft file while gathering details and I failed to Post finished story. jgp 1/1/2025

At our October 29th Business Meeting, those in attendance voted to purchase two bricks in support of the Project.  One brick will be inscribed for Alexander Hodge Chapter #49 and one for the Alexander Hodge Chapter in the DAR.

The Bernardo de Gálvez Plaza will be located in Menard Park which is owned by the City of Galveston, Texas.  The statue finishes and improves the eastern, Seawall corner of Menard Park, and will be completed with landscaping, benches, descriptive and educational weather-proof history signage, and commemorative brick and granite dedication plaques.  
The 16-foot-tall bronze by Houston artist Eric Kaposta will be mounted on a berm, and the statue being displayed prominently on Seawall Boulevard.  Commemorative bricks will pave the park space (click here for a brick order form).
This monument will help educate the public about the little-known fact of Spain’s contribution toward removing the British from the Gulf Coast during the American Revolution, and it will honor and promote the significance of the Great Spanish Patriot, Bernardo de Gálvez, and his victories during the Revolution in the city named for him.
  This project seeks to connect the Gulf Coast peoples with their early revolutionary patriots, and it will serve to educate a public that may not realize their heritage as descendants of patriots who fought for American independence.
To Contribute
Funds are being accepted by the Treasurer of the Bernardo de Gálvez Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.  The Chapter is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, # 76-0203547. Donations may be mailed to Gálvez Statue, P.O. Box 1, Galveston, TX 77553, or made through PayPal via the form below.
Questions or additional information please direct to Bill Adriance, Chair Statue Committee, 409-939-0205,
Donate via PayPal
To make your donation online via PayPal, please complete the form below.  You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a one-time donation.  You have to have a PayPal account with an active credit card to make a recurring donation (you can create an account after this form sends you to PayPal if you don't already have one).  When the form is complete, click "Continue" to transfer to PayPal and complete your payment information.

TXSSAR will publish next Volume of History in 2025. Need help to make sure we are in it.

on December 29, 2024

 Targeted for 2025 development and publication, Volume III is in the collection phase. 

Articles, photos, lists, compatriot biographies, memorials, Color Guard ceremonies, etc., that document our Texas SAR history since last published in 2005 are being identified and collected. 

Your Chapter Historian should review and contribute your activities. A committee and editor are needed.

 Several chapters have experienced newsletter editors. Please consider and volunteer. Please review Volume II and provide a list of your significant activities and awards since.

NOTE: Need Biographies of all members from 2006-2024.  I can get the date you were approved in SAR.  I have been collecting what I can find as far as pictures and activities.  Alot of work, please forward what you would like to see in the planned Volume III.

Carl V Hill in uniform at the Colonial Dames of America meeting on Nov 20, 2024

on December 24, 2024

 Carl Hill was invited to attend the Colonial Dames of America meeting on November 20, 2024 at Tony's Restaurant in Houston.  Carl represented the Alexander Hodge SAR Chapter and wore his Revolutionary War uniform to the event.

The guest speaker for the occasion was Eron Tynes who spoke on "San Jacinto Battlefield".


                                                    (L-R) Beth Fisher, Lois Wright, Carl V Hill, Eron Tynes

The Colonial Dames of America was founded in New York on April 1890.  the original CDA insignia was designed by Tiffany & Co.  Membership is by invitation only.  The Houston Chapter (Chapter VIII) was founded in 1928.

Following the Centennial anniversary celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as the first president in 1789, Americans became interested in the history of the Revolutionary Patriots.  This led to the formation of a number of Lineage Societies.

DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution, founded July 30, 1890.

SAR - Sons of the American Revolution, founded April 30, 1889.

CDA - Colonial Dames of America, founded in 1891.

NSCDA - National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, founded in 1891.